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Austin's anger management resource since 2006
In over thirty years of working with people, this is what I’ve found to be my truths and my approach to counseling.
When we look for a counselor:
We’ve tried everything we know to do to solve our problems and whatever we are doing is not working.
We often feel trapped in a situation and can see no way out.
We want someone who will listen first and then give us tools that work better than the ones we are using.
We want someone who can give us hope that we will find our way out of the mess we’re in.
I work best with people who:
Appreciate that what I have to share is not just coming from my training but also from decades of having made my own mistakes, sometimes over-and-over, and learning from those mistakes.
Want me to give honest feedback--not brutal honesty, but honesty from my heart.
Want an interactive counselor--someone who will give feedback and suggest possibilities.
Finally, my experience of counseling is our working together to solve your problems. I won’t change you. I don’t have that power. I can, however, help you change yourself to create a better life.
~ Jim Hoadley, MEd, LPC, LMFT
Founder, Austin Anger Management

"What we find as we listen to the songs of our rage or fear, loneliness or longing, is that they do not stay forever. Rage turns into sorrow; sorrow turns into tears; tears may fall for a long time, but then the sun comes out. A memory of old loss sings to us; our body shakes and relives the moment of loss; then the armoring around the loss gradually softens; and in the midst of the song of tremendous grieving the pain of that loss finally finds release."
~ Jack Kornfield